UI Design • UX Research • visual design • marketing

Exporting web styles to Figma: How we created a tool for designers

Hero image for case study that shows a low wireframe version of a webpage with grey boxes representing text and an arrow pointing to Kascade, a product that analyses webpage styles - which this case study is about
My Role
UX/UI and Visual Designer
Main tasks
  • 🔬
    UX Research
  • 🎨
    UI Design
  • ✏️
    Wireframing and concepts
  • 📢
    Visual assets for marketing
  • 👩🏻‍🔬
    Testing the product
  • Figma
  • Adobe Illustrator
    Adobe Illustrator
  • CapCut App logo
  • Google Analytics
    Google Analytics
  • Miro
During the peaks and troughs of client work at PivotPoint, an idea was born of a tool that would help designers. A project that required the many different skills and experience within the PivotPoint team, this was a rewarding and exciting project that turned an initial idea into a live product.
The Problem
Our team at PivotPoint all had the experience of starting work with a new client and needing to pull out all their branding assets and design system styles which was a receptive and time consuming process. We wanted to create a tool that would easily take the styles on a website and bring those straight into Figma, speeding up the overall design process.
What We did
Transforming an idea into a product
Early ideation sessions
Early into the project we ran an internal Crazy 8’s ideation session to flesh out the initial idea and expand upon it with the team's different perspectives based on our understanding of the idea.
This was beneficial in allowing each of us to input our individual ideas and align our thinking on what features we would like to have in the product and how we imagined it would work.
Early sketches of concepts and ideas about the product
Biting off something we could chew
Knowing that this project was something that could easily go down a rabbit hole of possibilities and features, we instead wanted to bite off something we could chew–focussing our efforts on a Google Chrome Extension.
We set our sights on creating an extension that would identify styles on a website and allow you to export them into Figma as styles, addressing the common issue of needing to manually set up a client's styles each time.
Running an internal hack day
With a north star for what we wanted the product to do, we ran an internal hack day to get as many concepts and thinking out of our heads and onto Figma.
Competitor research
For a better understanding of the market and what was currently available, we looked into competitors to understand what paths had already been tread and identified what made our product unique.These learnings helped in forming a focus for the product's features and what we wanted to highlight.
Early concepts
We set our focus on the main typography detection screen of the extension and how that might look. We explored different layouts and methods of displaying the typographic information to a user, helping us to determine which information was most important to see first, and quickly understanding which layouts did or didn’t work.
Hack day concepts of the product with annotationsHack day concepts of the product with annotationsConcepts of the product with annotationsConcepts of the product with annotations
This exercise helped in understanding how we wanted to move forward with the design and where to narrow the scope of the project for first release, setting our focus on the primary function of identifying text styles on webpages and exporting those styles to Figma.
Refining the problem space
Continuously iterating the UI
With our initial concepts explored during the hack day we took the design and UI further – exploring high-fidelity wireframes, various states, visually validating our thinking and improving areas that had gaps or problems.
Variation 01
About the designs
  • Our initial focus was on a version of the extension that would overlay half of the screen which was beneficial to show more content at once
  • We wanted to highlight how many instances a font style appeared on a webpage and highlighted that by using the colour pink whenever instances were being referenced
  • We had a concept of “primary style” which meant the style with the most instances on a page, and included a explainer for what that meant under an ‘i’ icon
  • We also looked into how we would show style variations from the primary style, displaying them in a dropdown that would say how many variations were detected
Concepts of the product with annotationsConcepts of the product with annotationsConcepts of the product with annotationsConcepts of the product with annotations
  • Some early concerns we had was that it might be too busy with the use of boxes inside boxes and the various circle and pill shapes used to highlight key information
  • We were also concerned on how the overlay covered a majority of the page, wondering how we would be able to see styles that were being detected on the webpage if the overlay was covering them
Variation 02
About the designs
  • To address the issue of the extension overlaying the webpage we decided to move the extension into the Google Chrome Side Panel. Moving it here meant that it would be able to work responsively with the webpage without covering any of the webpage content
  • With this change, we needed to redesign what we had previously explored to fit in the Side Panel. With a more compact size we would need to utilise the available space, instead of having all font styles appear we would need to house them under their respective style type
  • We also introduced typescale detection to the product which would detect the closest type scale based on what fonts are on the webpage. This would help designers by providing guidance on what font sizes to use to create a balanced and flexible design
Concepts of the product with annotationsConcepts of the product with annotationsConcepts of the product with annotationsConcepts of the product with annotationsConcepts of the product with annotationsConcepts of the product with annotations
  • One of our concerns while designing in the compact view was surfacing the right information at the appropriate time to the user. We wanted it to be clear that the styles would be discoverable by clicking on a preview item
  • We felt that although we had a button showing the option to ‘export to Figma’ that it wasn’t clear enough of a prompt or fully explained how and what that would do
  • Although we removed the variations aspect for this release, we knew that it would be an upcoming feature on the roadmap and wanted some way for it to be included in the design without being disruptive
Variation 3 – Final Changes
About the designs
  • Instead of having the styles hidden behind a click of the preview item, we decided that for the first detected element that it’s list of styles would be open by default which would show the user from the start that there’s more information to be discovered
  • Instead of using the top space of the extension on showing the URL, we converted it to a space for a banner to explain how to use and install the Figma plugin. We also planned to use this space to announce new feature release and useful tips and info
  • Retouched aspects of the overall UI to reduce visual noise and keep the focus on showing the text styles by;
  • Combined the URL and navigation bar so that more space could be used for displaying the text styles
  • Removed the button shape from the ‘View X instances’ link to make the cards for each detected style less busy
  • Adjusted the design so that the type scale and each detected type style would sit inside cards, providing a visual separation between the different elements
Concepts of the product with annotations
Internal testing on early build
Internal user testing
With myself and another team member having had time away from the project while on client work, it provided an opportunity for internal testing to be done on the latest build of the extension and plugin.
Although we had knowledge about the design and our intended use of the plugin, we had yet to see what state the developed version had come to, and purposely didn’t know of all of the latest changes to any functionality.
As a tester, I was asked to imagine a scenario where I was auditing a client's website and designing a new homepage for them.
My process doing this task using the plugin was witnessed and recorded by other team members with me expressing any thoughts I had during the task or if anything confused me.
From this internal exercise, we came up with the following notes from myself and my coworker who were interviewed. These notes were then sorted into themes, and then sized into what additional features could be done now and what would be done later and added to the roadmap.
Internal interview notes on the productInternal interview notes on the product
Iterative testing and feedback to developers
Throughout the build of the extension and plugin, myself and other team members tested the product across various websites trying to find any oddities or purposely trying to find ways to make it break.
Each finding was documented and then shared back to developers who then prioritised those findings of what to fix first based on how severe the issue was and its effect on the user experience. We would then work collaboratively with developers to help refine and offer support and advice on changes made, and if needed create designs to visually show what needed to be done.
Creating awareness across social platforms
A marketing push for Meta and Google ads
Working with an external marketing studio, I designed ad creatives to display Kascade’s unique selling point which were;
Emoji of paint palette
Exporting styles to Figma
Emoji of bricks
Making style foundations
Emoji of paint laptop
Instantly identifying page styles
Collection of Kascade ads
Creating an online presence for Kascade
To aid with the Meta and Google ads running, I created the social accounts for Kascade which we would also use to announce updates and feature releases.
These social accounts would then link to both our Chrome Extension and Figma plugin pages, which we optimised to visually explain the product through a video and explainer images accompanied by an exciting product description.
Screenshot of Kascade on Figma and Google Chrome Store
Creating unique content to reach more users
Along with the running Meta and Google ads, we also made content for our social media accounts to announce when new features were released.
Based on the current popular trend of short form content, I created videos that highlighted the new features of Kascade and explained what the extension and plugin was and its unique selling points.
Screenshot of Kascade video ads
For each of these videos, I created a script based on the features needing to be highlighted, then recorded the footage on my phone before exporting the raw footage into CapCut and editing the footage, adding in text and music and any final touches.
After the initial video explaining Kascade, we also posted a video about a new feature and witnessed the following growth within a month;
  • Google Chrome
    Chrome Extension users - 10.6742% increase
  • Figma
    Figma plugin users - 6.77134% increase
This project was a large team effort that combined all our various skills and knowledge. Working towards a north star, and having a clear roadmap, we were able to release the product to the public and witness a growth in users.
Still a new product, there’s much more exciting features in the roadmap to come!
Thank you!
If you liked this case study, have any questions or want to chat to me about it, feel free to contact me.
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